MBK Senior Living
Daily Flow
unlocking our residents'
Highest Potential
Our wellness programs are created around a person-directed approach, focusing on our residents' interest rather than calendar requirements. Through the concept of a daily flow that ebbs with our residents and provides appropriate opportunities for engagement in large groups, small groups, and individual interactions we see our residents grow, engage, and have an amazing sense of well-being.
Engaging activities
selected by residents, for residents
The Daily Flow is a unique approach to wellness programming that balances the needs for routine, spontaneity, and flexibility. While the morning, afternoon, and evening programs have set start times and repeat a predictable sequence, participants are encouraged to make decisions together about when to shift from one activity to the next and what specifically they want to do each day. At MBK, we believe this is a much more realistic and effective approach to supporting people living with dementia in a holistic and organic way.